The Canadian Academy of Futbol - CAF
Ginga Soccer entered into The Canadian Academy of Futbol (CAF) in 2013 with two teams, U12 Boys and U16 Boys.
In 2014 are proud to announce growth within our own academy. Ginga Soccer had the following teams participating in the league:
- U10 Boys
- U12 Boys
- U12 Girls
- U14 Boys
Outdoor 2014 Season
CAF will have all age divisions playing at one location on Saturdays or Sundays.
Their facilities are located throughout southern Ontario and rotate them weekly.
Field and referees will be organized by CAF and the costs are included in the league fees.
At all multi-field venues, trained conveners are on hand to keep games running smoothly. First aid/physiotherapy will also be provided.
Accident insurance and medical travel insurance for players and team officials included in team fees paid by Ginga.
For 11v11 games, the CAF season will consist of 20-21 games starting the end of April finishing at the end of October.
For 9v9 and smaller games, the season will be 14-15 games, from the end of May to the end of September.
There will be no games scheduled on long weekends.
Teams may block-off 1 weekend in the season (CAF to be advised by Mar31st)
Boys’ Divisions:
U8 (2x20min), 5v5 (including goalkeeper)
U10 (2x25min), 7v7
U12 (2X35min), 11v11 & 9v9
U14 (2x40min), 11v11
U16 (2x45min), 11v11
U20 (2x45min), 11v11
Girls’ Divisions:
U10 (2x25min), 7v7
U12 (2x35min), 9v9
U14 (2x40min), 11v11
U17 (2x45min), 11v11
Standings will be kept for U12 & up (no play-offs) and MVP, Most Improved winners will be awarded.
To get more information on The Canadian Academy of Futbol please feel free to visit their website. Click Here
To inquire about having your child tryout for a Ginga Team please CONTACT US